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Sunday, 15 October 2017

PPSC exam of ASI

1.No.of minorities in parliament                            =10
2.Poisonous gas in smoke of car furnace                    carbon monoxide
3.Green wich mean time is located in                    ==England
4.police affair                                                =nationa l police beurou
5.battle of khandaq                                        == battle of ahzab
6.fatha mubeen kise kehta hain                            sulah hudaibia
7.libya                                                        = Tripoli
8.first commercial bank                                     =habib bank
9.what will be the age of a person after 7 years which will be doubled as 8 years before.        ==           =3 2
10.speech             =
11.violence            ==
12.guarantee            =
13.obsolete            ==
14.CNG is the same composition of      LPG
15.abjure             ac knowledge—abet
16.cataclysm            =u pheaval
17.one metric ton is equal to       ==1000kg
18.1 byte contains          ==8 bits
19.If X 4=11 then X 8          7
20.2x=32 what will be the value of x2     ==25
21.if a person earns 25 at 250 what will be his profit in % 10
22.if 3 out of 4 candidate failed what will b their ( : )  1:3
23.igp              pp o
24.babul ilam             hazrat ali
25.mussadas e hali ka 2nd naam      ==mado jazear e islam
26.pehli waahi mein kitni ayaat naazil huen   ==5
27.sho              ==station house officer
28.current motto of punjab police      =Performance with Purpose
29.mobile phones          ==radio waves
31.ali pur ka ali is written by       ==mumtaz mufti
32.big muslim country         = indonesea
33.foundation of kpw          == referremdum
34.100 kg of meat of 4/7 kg in each how many packages==175
35.if 4/25 candidate fail what will be the pass %  ==84%
36.aslam,s weight has increased 25% from 2005 to 2010 if his is k kilograms what will b his weight              =
37.Organ other than heart that filters blood   ==kidney
38.vitamin that produces in sunlight     ==d
39.ITAR TASS            russia
40.sharar aur sarshaar mein mushtariq baat   =qunootiyat
41.iqbal ki pehli nasri kitab        ilm ul iqtasaad
42.abdul hameed ko khayam kiu kaha jata hai  ==rubayaat
43.urdu ko sab se phle kahan k daftaroon men rainj kiya gay =daccan
44.ghare hira is near located        = makkah
45.magisterial           ==a uthoritative
46.adjourned...................................... .............
47.conflict…………………................................ ........
48.break.......................................... ..............
49.Abase means                                           .... degrade
50.taraqi pasand tehreek ka aaghaz kab hua………………… 1936
51.de jure means……………………………………………….........by law
52.qazi g kis k kirdar hain…………………………………….......
53.ehkam e ashra kis deen main hain…………………………..
54.head of the council of common interests………………….prime minister
55.police officer was charged………………………………........
56.mesopotimia is the old name of                         iraq
57.sun revolves around the earth                          
58.khateeb ul anbia                                          Hazrat Shoaib
59.heredity disease                                          
60.the unit of pressure                                       Kelvin
61.radius of a circle                                         ..
62.longest river of asia                                      Yangtze
63.zealot meaning                                            fanatic
64.Gas in balloon co2                                        helium
65.d2o                                                          heavy water
66.abundant gas in the crust of earth                      aluminium
67.atomic head quarter                                      Vienna
68.new distt.                                                  
69.waris shah wrote heer ranjh in                         Jhang
70.Pakistan won medals in Olympic                         8
71.icc hearing players                                        Doha
72.justice delayed is justice                                Denied
73.hajj compulsion                                           aale imran

74.mens austrailian open championship 2011 was won by              JanBob and Mike Bryan
75.police .................................................. ... the evidence

76.Olympic game will be held in            ....................2012

77.winter games of 2011 will be held in which city           Kazakhstan

78.first governor of NWFP               .................... Sir George Cannigham

79.river of photohar platue                 .................Indus and Jehlum river

80.latest counrty to join UNO             .................. Montenegro 2006

81.General Secertary of UNO at the time of iraq war 2003               Kofi Annan

82.In the morning the temprature of a place  13 but at noon it has risen to 32 c tell the

temprature           ..........................................

83.next Olympic venue                                  ..... London 2012

84.crips mission headed                                 .... Sir Stafford Cripps

85.device of measuring speed of wind                    anemometer

86.commodious                                 .............. Convenient

87.opposit of valour               ..........................Coward

88.exonerate means              ..........................To clear

89.expedite means                ..........................accelerate

90.Eu..... means            .................................European Union

91.(7a) (7b) (7d)=...........................................

92.2/3,5/8,13/20 ascending order                       
93.x+y=x,y average=?                                      
94.x2 y2=?, x y=? average                                
95.loin meat how much days?                              
96.iblees ki majlis shoora                               in Urdu Arumghan e Hejaz By Allama Iqbal

97.masjid e quba kis ki malkiyat thi               ...... Abdel Waheed El Wakil

98.aag ka darya written by                  ..............Quraatul aian haider

99.oncology study of                 ......................cancer

100.trachoma is disease of               ................infectious eye disease


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