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Monday, 14 January 2019

List of Different Countrues with Famous Name

1. • Albania means the {Land of Eagles}.
2. • Argentina means {Like Silver}.
3. • Bahrain means two seas.
4. • Brasilia of Pakistan iz called to Islamabad.
5. • Brazil means {Red wood}.
6. • City of angles iz called to Bangkok.
7. • City of bazaars iz called to Cairo.
8. • City of colleges iz called to Lahore.
9. • City of conference iz called to Geneva.
10. • City of cosmonauts iz called to Moscow.
11. • City of eternal spring iz called to Quito.
12. • City of Golden Gate iz called to San Francisco.
13. • City of golden temple iz called to Amritsar.
14. • City of mosques iz called to Dhaka.
15. • City of palaces iz called to Calcutta.
16. • City of parks iz called to Kiev.
17. • City of peace iz called to Baghdad.
18. • City of pope iz called to Rome.
19. • City of space flights iz called to Cape Kennedy.
20. • Costa Rica means {Rich coast}.
21. • Cyprus means {Land of copper}.
22. • Emerald Island iz called to Ireland.
23. • Forbidden City iz called to Lahaska.
24. • Gateway to India iz called to Bombay.
25. • Gateway to Pakistan iz called to Karachi.
26. • Gateway to the east iz called to Beirut.
27. • Gateway to the gulf iz called to Abu Dhabi.
28. • Gibraltar of the west iz said to Quebec.
29. • Guuatnemala mean {Land of Eagles}.
30. • Hong Kong iz called as Pearl of the Orient.
31. • Jamaica means {Good water}.
32. • Kuwait means {Fort}.
33. • Land of Prophets iz called to Palestine.
34. • Liberia means {Land of free people}.
35. • Little Pakistan iz called to Bradford.
36. • Lusitanian iz the alternative name of Portugal.
37. • Manchester of Pakistan iz called to Faisalabad.
38. • Mesopotamia means- Between two Rivers
39. • Mistress of the Eastern Seas iz epithet referred to Sri Lanka.
40. • Netherlands means {low land}.
41. • Nigeria means {a great river}.
42. • Pyramid city iz called to Cairo.
43. • Rose pink city iz called to Jaipur.
44. • Sierra Leone means {Lion Mountains}.
45. • Singapore means {city of lions}.
46. • Sudan means {Land of black people}.
47. • Turkey means {Land of Turks}.
48. • What countries name translates as lion mountains- Sierra Leone
49. • What place iz nicknamed "The City of Lilies"- Florence
50. • What place was nicknamed "The Pearl of the Orient" - Manila - Philippines
51. • Which country iz popularly called ‘The Land of the Maple Leaf’? Canada
52. • Which worlds city iz known as The Golden City Prague Czech
53. • Windy city iz called to Chicago.
54. • Yellow River iz known as China’s Sorrow because of devastating floods.
55. • Zambia iz known as "country of Co

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