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Monday, 25 September 2017

general knowledge MCQs with Answer

~ 100 general knowledge questions with answers, came in different tests of NTS...
Q.1 Which is the Biggest library in the world
Ans Library of Congress
Q.2 Ocean which has the biggest commercial activity in world is
Ans Atlantic Ocean
Q.3 Which is the most recent state to join the USA
Ans Hawai
Q.4 Which is the rainiest spot in the world
Ans Cherrapunji (India)
Q.5 Which province of Afghanistan is the highest opium producer
Ans Helmand
Q.6 In which city biggest square Tiananmen is situated
Ans Beijing – China
Q.7 Highest town Wenchuan is situated at the altitude of 5100 mtr
Ans China
Q.8 MGM Grand hotel is largest hotel with 5005 rooms is in
Ans State of Nevada USA
Q.9 Name the country with busiest airlines system
Q.10 The oldest written language is
Ans Chinese
Q.11 Which is the lowest town
Ans The Israeli settlement of Ein Bokek
Q.12 Most immigration country is
Q.13 Which country has most telephone subscribers
Q.14 Country with largest natural gas reserves
Ans Russia
Q.15 Most spoken language in the world is
Ans Chinese
Q.16 Country with largest foreign exchange reserves
Ans japan
Q.17 Largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is in
Ans Detroit
Q.18 Largest postal network in the world is in
Ans India
Q.19 The first railway line was laid in
Ans England
Q.20 Largest man made canal in the world is
Ans Panama canal
Q.21 Longest optical fiber cable of the world is landed between
Ans London and new York
Q.22 Who produced the first automobile
Ans Henry Furd
Q.23 World’s freest economy with lowest taxes
Ans Hong kong
Q.24 World’s largest nuclear power station is situated in
Ans Canada
Q.25 World’s largest uranium producer is
Ans Canada
Q.26 World’s largest paper producer is
Q.27 Lowest per capita income in South Asia is of
Ans Nepal
Q.28 First country to impose ban on sale of all forms of tobacco
Ans Singapore
Q.29 Largest artificial lake of world is in Arizona, USA
Ans Lake Mead
Q.30 First Muslim Woman Judge in America
Ans Charlene Mekled
Q.31 World’s first stock exchange market is
Ans Hamburg
Q.32 World’s largest under sea railway tunnel is between
Ans France and England
Q.33 Which country first gave women a right to vote in 1893
Ans Newzealand
Q.34 Highest wicket taker in the Test cricket and ODI
Ans Murali Dharan – Sri Lanka
Q.35 Largest animal in the world is
Ans Blue whale
Q.36 Which country leads in the production of Zinc
Ans Canada
Q.37 World’s largest producer of wool
Ans Australia
Q.38 World’s largest irrigation canal is
Ans Indira Gandhi Canal
Q.39 Largest producer of diamond in world is
Ans Bostwana
Q.40 Largest railway station of the world is
Ans Grand Central Terminal, New York
Q.41 Gibralter is known as
Ans Smallest colony
Q.42 Which country has oldest anthem of world
Ans Japan
Q.43 Which is the largest of animals
Ans Blue whale
Q.44 Highest score made by Sri Lanka in one day cricket is
Ans 443 runs
Q.45 First Muslim woman who went to space by Russian Aircraft
Ans Anousheh Ansari – 18th September 2006
Q.46 Country with the largest area in world
Ans Russia
Q.47 Which river in the world carries maximum volume of water
Ans Amazon
Q.48 Longest canal in the world is
Ans Beloye More Baltic
Q.49 Which is the smallest country in the world
Ans Vatican city
Q.50 Which is the world’s largest mountain range
Ans Himalayas
Q.51 Largest producer of silk is
Ans Japan
Q.52 Largest oil refinery is located at
Ans Abadan- Iran
Q.53 Angel Falls the world’s highest water fall is in
Ans Venezuela
Q.54 Deepest lake in the world is
Ans Lake Baikal- Russia (Siberia)
Q.55 Area with the least sunshine is
Ans South pole
Q.56 Area of Asian continent is
Ans 4,38,20,000 sq km
Q.57 Which is the deepest sea in the world
Ans Caribbean
Q.58 Largest lake of the world is
Ans Caspian sea
Q.59 Largest penininsula of the world is
Ans Arabian peninsula 32,37,500 sq km
Q.60 River Nile falls in which sea
Ans Baltic Sea
Q.61 Which is the most populous city in the world
Ans Shanghai
Q.62 Which is the most densely populated city of the world
Ans Manila
Q.63 Which is the least populous city of the world
Ans Vatican
Q.64 Smallest republic is Nauru and its population is
Ans 10,000 persons (area 2129 hectares)
Q.65 Largest concrete dam of world is in USA its name is
Ans Grand Coulee Dam
Q.66 Rohunsky Dam is the highest dam in the world located in
Ans Tajikistan
Q.67 World’s oldest parliament is of
Ans Iceland
Q.68 Largest airport of the world is
Ans King Abdul Aziz International Airport
Q.69 Which is world’s busiest airport
Ans Chicago O’Hare International Airport
Q.70 Airport located at the highest altitude is
Ans Lhasa Airport 4363 meter height
Q.71 Which is the largest railway station in world
Ans Grand Central Terminal – New York
Q.72 World’s highest railway station is
Ans Condor Station Bolivia
Q.73 Which is the university with largest building in world
Ans University of Riyadh
Q.74 The longest canal of the world is
Ans Beloye More (in Baltic sea)
Q.75 Area wise the largest city of the world is
Ans Kiruna – in Sweden – 8732 sq km
Q.76 Largest delta of the world is
Ans Sundarbans
Q.77 Largest museum of the world is
Ans British Museum
Q.78 Saltiest sea of the world is
Ans Mediterranean sea
Q.79 Coldest place of the world is
Ans Vostok – Antarctica
Q.80 Driest place of the world is
Ans Death Valley (California)
Q.81 Smallest part of the matter discovered by scientists
Ans Quark
Q.82 Longest platform of the world is
Ans The Loop USA
Q.83 Longest rail tunnel of the world is
Ans Saikan – Japan
Q.84 Longest road tunnel of the world is
Ans St Gohtard(Sweden)
Q.85 Country with the oldest underground railway system is
Ans England
Q.86 Fastest animal of the world is
Ans Cheetah
Q.87 Animal which has longest life span
Ans Tortoise
Q.88 Two rivers form the largest delta of world are
Ans Ganges-Barhamputra
Q.89 Shortest river of the world is
Ans Reo (Montana) 98 km
Q.90 Height of K-2 is
Ans 8611 meters
Q.91 Asia covers land area of world is
Ans 29.5%
Q.92 Which is the fastest bird
Ans Indian Swift- speed 200 km
Q.93 Which metal has the highest electrical conductivity
Ans Silver (Ag)
Q.94 Lowest populous Muslim country is
Ans Maldives (area wise also)
Q.95 Largest Muslim country area wise
Ans Kazakhstan
Q.96 Largest Muslim country population wise
Ans Indonesia
Q.97 Muslim country with highest per capita income
Ans Kuwai


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