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Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Computer Science Mcqs Test No 9

81. A primary key that consists of more than one attribute is called a
(A) Foreign key
(B) Composite key
(C) Multivalued key
(D) Global key

82. An attribute in database is also known as
(A) Tuple
(B) Relation
(C) Row
(D) Field

83. C language was developed by
(A) Van Neumann
(B) Dennis Ritchie
(C) Charles Babbage
(D) John Backus

84. A space in computer’s memory set aside for some data that can be changed is called
(A) Variable
(B) Constant
(C) Integer
(D) Floating Point

85. Which of the following components is used to convert first .c to first .exe?
(A) Compiler and header
(B) Header and linker
(C) Compiler and linker
(D) Compiler only

86. Which of the database objects allows to extract specific information from tables?
(A) Queries
(B) Forms
(C) Reports
(D) Records

87. The instructions that are given to the compiler before the beginning of actual program are:
(A) C statements
(B) Preprocessor directive
(C) Linking instructions
(D) C instructions

88. Which key combination is used to run C program:
(A) Alt+F9
(B) Ctrl+S
(C) Alt+F5
(D) Ctrl+F9

89. Different attributes in two different tables having same name are referred to as
(A) Acronym
(B) Synonym
(C) Homonym
(D) Mutually exclusive

90. SQL is a/an
(A) Unstructured language
(B) Structured language
(C) Object oriented language
(D) Software

81. B
82. D
83. B
84. A
85. C
86. A
87. B
88. D
89. C

90. B

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