Official Language of UAE is........Arabic
Who Called "he poet of the East"........... Allama Iqbal
The longest river in the world is ........Nile
The highest mountain in the world is ..........Everest
The biggest Auto production nation is.......Japan
The Pakistani President who died in an Air Crash.......Zia-ul-Haq
The biggest desert in the world is........Sahara desert
The coldest place on the earth is..........Veroyansk , Siberia
The largest rubber producng country in the world is..........Malaysia
The city which was once called the forbidden city is........Peking
The Ocean that seperate Europe from America is called........Atlantic Ocean
The capital of Muslim Empire in the time of Haroon Rashid...........Baghdad
The country called the land of rising sun is...........Japan
The country known as the land of white elephant is...........Thailand
Coconut is a ..........Seed
The first President of Bangladesh was.......Mujib-ur-Rehman
The first Pakistani to receive Nobel Prize..........Dr. Abdul Salam
The country known as the land of Morning Calm is........Korea
Writer of Pakistani National Anthem is........Hafeez Jalanderi
Pakistani Largest river name is ...........Indus river
In which Islamic month was the Holy Quran Revealed........Ramadan
The Capital of Indonesia is........Jakarta
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