456. • Syed Amir Ali resigned from ML in 1913.
457. • Quaid resigned from Congress and Home Rule League in Dec: 1920 (Nagpur Session) became ML president in 1916. (chk it)
458. • Quaid held joint membership of ML & Congress for 7 years i.e from 1913-1920
459. • He presided the ML Lucknow session of 1916 and Delhi session of 1924, became permanent president of ML in 1934.

460. • Lord Minto came to India as viceroy in 1915.
461. • Minto Morley reforms 1909: introduced separate electorates.
462. • Minto Morley reforms: Minto was Indian Viceroy and Morley was state secretary for India.
463. • Montague Chemsford Reforms came in 1919.
464. • ML demanded principle of self rule for India in 1913.
465. • Kanpur mosque incident took place in 1913.
466. • Jillanwalla Bagh is in Amritsar. It was place where a number of Indian killed by the English on 13th April, 1919.
467. • General Dair was the army commander of Amritsar during Jullianwala bagh slaughter (1919).
468. • Lucknow Pact came in Nov: 1916.
469. • Home Rule Movement was founded by Mrs. Annie Basent an English Parsi lady in 1916 after Lucknew pact.
470. • Rowalt Act was passed in 1919.
471. • Khilafat Movement started in 1919 and ended in March 1921.
472. • All Indai Khilafat committee was founded in Bombay on 5th Juley 1919 and Seth Chuttani became its first president.
473. • First meeting of All Indai Khilafat Movement was held on 23rd Nov: 1919 and was presided over by Molvi Fazal Haq of Bengl. Its headquarter was at Bombay.
474. • Khilafat day was observed on 27th October, 1919.
475. • Indian Khilafat Delegation met with Lloyd George.
476. • Mopala uuprising in Malabar 1921.
477. • Chauri Chuara incident tookplace in 1922.
478. • Non-cooperation movement was called off by Gandhi because of Chauri-Chaura incident 1922.
479. • Shuddi and Sangathan movement was started at the end of Tahreek Khilafat.
480. • Sangathan movement was started by Pandit Malavia.
481. • Treaty of Lausanne was signed in 1923.
482. • Mustafa Kamal: first president of Turkey on 23rd Oct: 1923.
483. • Atta Turk means the father of Turks.
484. • Khilafat was abolished in 1924.
485. • Last caliph of Turkish State was Abdul Majeed Afandi.
486. • Hijrat Movement took place in 1924
487. • Haji Shariat Ullah was born in 1781( Faraizi Movement 1830-57)
488. • The main aim of Brahma Samaj was Reform in Hinduism.
489. • Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded Brahma Samaj.
490. • Ani- Muslim Arya Samaj (1877) was founded by Dayanand Sirasoti. Arya Samaj was founded in 1875 (chk)
491. • In 1805, British made Sri Lanka a colony.
492. • British annexed NWFP in 1849.
493. • Wardha scheme written by Zakir Hussain.
494. • Sati was abolished by Lord William Bantink.
495. • First census in India made during the period of Lord Mayo.
496. • Moen-jo-DAro & Herapa discovered in 1922.
497. • Sir John Marshal ordered digging of Moen jo Daro in 1922.
498. • East India Company was formed in 1600 in London.
499. • In India French East India company was established in 1664.
500. • Raishmi Romal campaign started by Ubaidullah Sindhi before war of Independence.
501. • War of Independence started on 7th May, 1857 from Delhi.
502. • Lord Canning was the Governor General of India during Sepoy Mutiny.
503. • In India the first gate of enterance of Europeans was Bengal.
504. • At Meerath firstly the war of independence was fought.
505. • War of independence started on 9th May, 1857.
506. • The first Viceroy of the subcontinent was Lord Canning.
507. • Queen’s Proclamation was made in 1858.
508. • Indian National Congress made by Allan O. Hume in 1885.
509. • First president of Congress was W.C. Benerjee.
510. • 72 members attended the first meeting of Congress at Bombay out of them only 2 were Muslims.
511. • Warren Hastings was the first Governor General of Bengal.
512. • Hindi-Urdu controversy started in 1867.
513. • Mohsin-ul-Mulk founded Urdu Defence Association.
514. • Syed Ahmed Khan born on 17th Oct: 1817 in Delhi & died March 241898 at Ali Gargh.
515. • Sir Syed is buried in Ali Garh Muslim University.
516. • Tahzibul Ikhelaque was published in 1870. (1867 chk)
517. • Asrar-us-Sanadeed was compiled by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
518. • Sir Syed wrote Loyal Mohammandan’s of India & Causes of Indian Revolt.
519. • Hayate-e-Javed is written by Maulana Hali about Sir Syed.
520. • In Indai English education was first initiated in Bengal in 1835.
521. • Shah Waliullah was born in Delhi.
522. • Madressah Rahimiya was established by Shah Abdul Rahim.
523. • Scientific society was established in 1863.
524. • Albert Bill was presented in 1883
525. • NWFP was separated from Punjab by the British in 1901, Lord Curzon was then the viceroy and GG of British India.
526. • Mohammadan Educational Conference was formed on 27 Dec: 1886 by Sir Syed.
527. • Muhammadan Literacy Society of Calcutta founded in 1860.
528. • “Indian Patriotic Association” was founded in 1861.
529. • Nidwatul Ulema (1884) was founded by Molvi Abdul Ghafoor Qasim Nativi. Nadvat-ul-Ulema was founded in 1894 and Maulvi Abdul Ghafoor was its founder.(chk)
530. • Darul-ul Deoband (1867) was founded by Mohd: Qasim Nanavatavi.
531. • MAO College founded on Jan: 8, 1877 and inaugurated by Governor General Lord Lyton.
532. • Present Sindhi alphabets made by Sir Barter Frere in 1883.
533. • Anjuman-e-himayat-Islam was founded in 1884.
534. • Sindh Madrasa built by Hassan Ali Afandi on 1st Sep: 1885.
535. • DJ (Diwan Dayaram Jethmal) Science College was opened by Governor of Bombay Lord Reay on 17th Jan: 1887.
536. • Who amongst the following were the first to invade India? Arabs
537. • Real name of Mohammad-bin-qasims was Amadudin Mohammad (Pillar of Deen).
538. • Mohd: Bin Qasim was nephew and son-in-law of Hajjaj bin Yousuf the Governor of Iraq (Omayad Period). He came to Sindh with 12 thousand men.
539. • Mohd: bin Qasim conquered Sindh during Ummayads.
540. • Siskar was Waziir of Dahir.
541. • Mohd: bin Qasim tortured to death in Iraq by Sulaiman.
542. • The Abbasid governor Hisham came to Sindh in 757 A.D.
543. • Shabudding Ghori was the founder of Islamic State in India.
544. • Qutubudin Aibk was the founder of slave dynasty after Ghoris.
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