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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Lecturer of sociology Past Paper PPSC

PPSC Lecturer of sociology Past Paper

 1.  Socialization is:

(a)Instinctive process  (b)Personal social learning

(c) Building up of norms and values in the personality by groups  (d)None of these

2.  Who can be taken as early pure sociologist among the social thinkers?

(a)August comte  (b)Ibn-e-Khaldun  (c) Durkheim  (d)None of these

3.  Ascribed social status of a person is determined by:

(a)Biological inheritance  (b)What he achieves  (c) Contacts abroad  (d)None of these

4.  In Cultural Lag the part that moves slowly is called:

(a)Material culture  (b)Symbolic culture  (c) Sub-culture  (d)None of these

5.  The spread of cultural traits and patterns in spaceis called:

(a)Assimilation  (b)Acculturation  (c) Diffusion  (d)None of these

6.  A Stimulus-Response Condition between two persons is called:

(a)Exchange  (b)Dialogue  (c) Interaction  (d)None of these

7.  Polandry is a form of marriage in which:

(a)Many women marry one man  (b)Many men are husbands of one woman

(c) One man marries a woman  (d)None of these

8.  A verified and verifiable proposition is called:

(a)Hypothesis  (b)Design  (c) Fact  (d)None of these

9.  Urbanism is:

(a)A process of migration  (b)An attitude  (c) Equal to urbanization  (d)None of these

10.  An operational definition of a concept is:

(a)Mediating variable  (b)Guideline for the researcher in the field

(c) A formal or lexiographic  (d)None of these

11.  Culture is:

(a)What has been given to us by our fore fathers  (b)Man-made part of environment

(c) Music, drama, dance etc.  (d)None of these

12.  Innovation is:

(a)Invention  (b)Discovery  (c) Both (a) and (b)  (d)None of these

13.  Emphasis in quantitative data is on:

(a)Validity  (b)Reliability  (c) Formal procedures  (d)None of these

14.  A sample is:  

(a)A process of selecting items.  (b)A smaller part representing the universe.

(c) Giving a few examples from population.  (d)None of these

15.  When two or more persons interact with each other, they form:

(a)Community  (b)Group  (c) Society  (d)None of these

16.  A social caste is always:

(a)Exogamous and open  (b)Endogamous and closed (c) Both (a) and (b)  (d)None of these

17.  A cricket match is an example:

(a)Truce  (b)Accomodation  (c) Competition  (d)None of these

18.  A socially expected and approved behaviour is called:

(a)Folkway  (b)Social norm  (c) More  (d)None of these

19.  A push factor in migration means:

(a)People attracted by urban facilities  (b)People forced by circumstances leaving

(c) Both (a) and (b)  (d)None of these

20.  An Interview Guide is:

(a)The person who guides the interview.

(b)A booklet that explains the dynamics of an interview.

(c) The list of topics to be covered in an interview.

(d)None of these

21) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called ________.

(a) Interview schedule  (b) Questionnaire  (c) Observation

(d) Interview guide (e) None of these

22) Power that people consider legitimate is known as ____________.

(a) Force (b) Right (c) Authority

(d) Privilege (e) None of these

23) Social structure of a society is the net work of ____________.

(a) Institutional Relations (b) Values System (c) Traditions

(d) compliance to norms (e) None of these

24) WID approach believes in:

(a) Gender mainstreaming (b) Gender Segregation

(c) Incorporating women in development activities (d) None of these

25) Gerontology is the study of _____________:

(a) Human beings (b) Special groups

(c) Aged and Aging (d) All of these

26) The most pervasive of the social processes are:

(a) Cooperation (b) Overt conflict

(c) Competition (d) None of these

27) Abstract sentiments are:

(a) Closer to the centre of the self than moral rules (b) Provide a focus for allegiance

(c) Are compellers of action (d) None of these

28) The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:

(a) Stimulus-response psychology (b) Drive psychology

(c) Trait psychology (d) None of these

29) The country with better record for gathering population statistics than any other is:

(a) Japan (b) Sweden

(c) USA (d) None of these

30) The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

(a) Tribe (b) Kinship

(c) Race (d) None of these

31) Stratified Samples fall under:

(a) Probability sampling design (b) Non-probability sampling design

(c) Multi stage sampling design (d) None of these

32) Egoistic, the special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkkim springing from:

(a) Excessive regulation (b) Excessive individualism

(c) Over migration with group (d) None of these

33) A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:

(a) Max Weber (b) Karl Max (c) Emile Durkkim

(d) C. Wright Mill (e) None of these

34) A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are

descendent from a common area is known as:

(a) Clan (b) Tribe (c) Kin group

(d) Class (e) None of these

35) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:

(a) Assimilation (b) Hawthorne effect

(c) invasion (d) Anomie

36) In theoretical field social research aims at:

(a) finding problems of human being (b) identifying delinquent behaviour

(c) reducing social conflicts (d) None of these

37) Survey means:

(a) Overlooking (b) Organizing social data

(c) Observation (d) None of these

38) Independent variables are:

(a) Experimental Groups (b) Study of social investigation

(c) Study of social life (d) None of these

(39) Qualitative Data Means:

(a) Expressed in number (b) Expressed in words

(c) Both of these (d) None of these

40) A Likert scale emphasizes:

(a) Reproducibility (b) Uni-dimensionality (c) None of these

41)  Ferdinand Tonnies used the term ________ to refer to societies dominated by impersonal

relationships, individual accomplishment and self-interests.

(a) Society (b) Gesellschaft

(c) Community (d) Gemeinschaft

42)  When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called ________.

(a) Interview Schedule (b) Questionnaire

(c) Observation (d) Interview guide

43  ________ is the process by which people learn all patterns of social life.

(a) Interaction (b) Communication

(c) Socialization (d) Dissemination

44  According to _______ all societies across the world are stratified.

(a) Anthropologists (b) Sociologists

(c) Economists (d) Political Scientists

45)  Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called ________.

(a) Hetrosexuality (b) Gender

(c) Sex (d) Homosexuality

46)  A family consisting of step relations is called ________.

(a) Plural family (b) Joint family

(c) Extended family (d) Compound family

47)  Power that people consider legitimate is known as _________.

(a) Force (b) Right

(c) Authority (d) Privilege

48)  Mugging, rape and burglary are examples of _________ crimes.

(a) Organized crimes (b) General crimes

(c) Street crimes (d) Modern crimes

49)  A norm is always enforced by sanctions.

(a) True (b) Fals


50)  Society is the largest and most complex group that sociologists study


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