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Monday, 16 October 2017

General Knowledge Test No 9

101. What P is sometimes referred to as block and tackle?
102. For what purpose would a gardener use a dibber?
Making holes.
103. What J is a device used to raise an object too heavy to deal with by hand?
104. Ball-pein, club, claw and bush are types of which tool?
105. Which African animal’s name means ‘river horse’?
106. Which Indian religion was founded by Guru Nanak?
107. What is the most distant of the giant planets?
108. What is the capital of Austria?
109. What in printing do the letters ‘u.c.’ stand for?
Upper case.
110. Which eye infection is sometimes called pinkeye?
111. What sort of creature is an iguana?
A lizard.
112. What, politically, does UDI stand for?
Unilateral declaration of independence.
113. Wagga Wagga is a city in which Australian state?
New South Wales.
114. Which Indian religion celebrated the 300th anniversary of its founding in 1999?
115. What do the initials FBI stand for?
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
116. By what name is the fruit of the plant Ananas comosus known?
117. Donnerstag is German for which day of the week?
118. What type of citrus fruit is a shamouti?
119. Apiphobia is a fear of what?
120. Which Asian capital city was known as Batavia until 1949?
121. Which astronomical unit os distance is greater, a parsec or a light year?
A parsec.
122. The ancient city of Carthage is now in which country?
123. What in Russia is Izvestia?
A newspaper.
124. Which is the world's windiest continent?
125. In the book Treasure Island what is the name of the ship?


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