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Monday, 16 October 2017

General Knowledge Test No 8

81. Which medical specialty is concerned with the problems and illnesses of children?
82. Who sailed in Santa Maria?
Christopher Columbus.
83. What name is given to the stiffening of the body after death?
Rigor mortis.
84. Which country was formerly known as Malagasy Republic?
85. Addis Ababa is the capital of which country?
86. The name of which North African city literally means ‘white house’?
87. Of what sort of fish is the dogfish a small variety?
88. Which Asian country was divided at the 38th parallel after World War II?
89. What is the name of the Winter Olympics event that combines cross-country skiing and shooting?
90. Which American science-fiction writer wrote Fahrenheit 451?
Ray Bradbury.
91. For which powerful opiate is diamorphine the technical name?
92. How many dominoes are there in a normal set?
93. Who was cartoonist who created Batman?
Bob Kane.
94. Aerophobia is a fear of flying, agoraphobia is a fear of open spaces, what is acrophobia a fear of?
95. In computing, how is a modulator-demodulator more commonly known?
96. An auger bit is used to drill what type of material?
97. What part of the wheelbarrow is the fulcrum?
The wheel.
98. What C is a device used to determine small lengths, of which a vernier is one type?
99. Rip, chain and band are types of which tools?
100. What calibrated tool was the standard tool for engineers and scientists prior to the invention of the hand-held calculator?

Slide rule.

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