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Friday, 13 October 2017

Assistant Director ASF Current Affairs Past Papers

1. Trump's withdrawal from Paris Accord... June 2017
2. Panama leaks first list that included the names of PM's children, was revealed in April 2016 while a 2nd list that included the names of 400 Pakistani's, was revealed in May 2016. So, the answer is either May 2016 or "None of these"
3. Which is not a member of G15.... Bolivia
4. Justin Trudeau became president... 2015
5. G-7 countries... Industrialist countries
6. Profession of Trump... Businessman
7. The Richest head of state...Al-Sheikh Rashid
8. The richest party leader... Asif Ali Zardari
9. Not a disarmament treaty... NATO
10. Brexit... 23 June 2016
11. SAARC... Khatmandu
12. Trump's party... Republican
13. France's President... Emanuel Macron
14. Organization not linked with UNO... ASEAN
15. IAEA... Vienna
16. Security Coucil chairmanship rotates... Every month
17. Aad... Nation of Hood AS
18. Adam...Hebrew
19. Life Duration of Prophet PBUH... 53 Makkah 10 Madina
20. Umer's reign... 634-644
21. Umer's Surname... Abu al Hafas
22. Latin translation published in...1543
23. Mathematician... Al-Kamil (A option) Al Masudi was a historian.
24. Sahifas on Idrees AS...30
25. Mishkat ul Masbih's writer... Masood Al Baghawi
26. Not included in Ashra Mubashra... Amir Muavia RA
27. Last Ghazwa... Tabook
28. Wife of Prophet PBUH and daughter of Abu Sufyan RA... Umme Habiba RA
29. Quran Pak Urdu translation published... 1776
30. First Islamic Commander... Ameer Hamza RA
31. Verses of Surah Al-Alaq revealed at first... 05
32. Fifth kalma... Istighfar
Every Day Science
33. Wood of Conifers...Soft wood
34. Responsible for balance... Inner Ear
35. Sun and moon at right angles... Neap Tides
36. Domestic Social Insect... Bumble Bee and Ant both
37. One is gravitational force... 2nd one is Electromagnetic
38. As a person gets older, bone marrow gets its *yellow color* from the carotenoids in the FATS.
Carotenoids are plant pigments responsible for bright red, yellow and orange hues in many fruits and vegetables.
39. Animal planktons... Zoo-plabktons
40. Discovered Gene... Wilhelm Johannsen
41. Image is formed... Cornea, Lens, Retina
42. Animals sleep... Hibernate
43. LASER is used in... Holography
44. Which material is produced in a nuclear reaction... Anti-matter
45. Ionosphere... Outer part of atmosphere... Not earth's crust... So answer should be "None of these"
46. Speed of air in a cyclone(dont remember the question) ... 117...118...119
...none of these
47. Heavy rain measurement.... 0.1inch/hr...0.2inch/hr...0.3inch/hr
48. Diameter of Large Intestine... 7cm
16 questions
65. Comma
66. Distributed
67. Fume... Be happy
68. Fulminate... Murmur is wrong...don't remeber rest of the options
69. Ennoble... Degrade
70. Discreet... Careless
71. Loquacious... Talkative
72. To show a clean pair of heels... Escape
73. Away with fairies... Not facing reality
74. A drowning man catches a straw... Proverb
75. The amount of risk left over after natural or inherent risks have been reduced by risk controls is called...Residual Risk
76. The opposite for Confidentiality is Disclosure, Integrity is Alteration and Availability is Destruction. Opposite for CIA is DAD.


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