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Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Current Affairs MCQs Test No 6

Current Affairs Quizzes
41. World’s oldest operational space launch facility is located in
(A) America
(B) Russia
(C) Kazakhstan
(D) India

42. Which country has the largest reserves of oil?
(A) United States
(B) China
(C) Russia
(D) Venezuela

43. In which country It is mandatory for all male citizens aged 18–27 to serve 1 year in Armed Forces?
(A) America
(B) Canada
(C) Russia
(D) Israel

44. Which country is the world’s top supplier of weapons?
(A) America
(B) Russia
(C) Israel
(D) Germany

45. Which from the following countries is NOT the member of BRICS?
(A) America
(B) Russia
(C) China
(D) India

46. The President of India is
(A) Sonia Gandhi
(B) Dr. Abdul Kalam
(C) Chidambaram
(D) Pranab Mukherjee

47. The headquarter of Human Rights Watch is located in
(A) Washington
(B) New York
(C) Berlin
(D) Brussels

48. Which country is the largest producer of oil?
(A) Saudi Arabia
(B) China
(C) Russia
(D) Venezuela

49. Which country has the largest reserves of gas?
(A) Saudi Arabia
(B) Iran
(C) Russia
(D) Qatar

50. Which country is the largest producer of gas?
(A) Saudi Arabia
(B) Iran
(C) Russia
(D) Qatar

41. C
42. D
43. C
44. B
45. A
46. D
47. B
48. A
49. C

50. C

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