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Friday, 13 October 2017

General Knowledge MCQs

what is name of the largest desert of the world?
A. Sahara
B. Thar
C. Thal
D. Vatican
Submitted by: Asif Amir
The highest waterfall of the world is:
A. Tugela
B. Angel
C. Cuquenan
D. Takkawa
Submitted by: Saddam safi
Which is the deepest lake of the world ?
A. Lake Baikal
B. Caspian Lake
C. Wular Lake
D. Lake Victoria
Submitted by: Sabir Khattak
one nautical mile is equal to how many kilometers?
A. 1.613
B. 1.932
C. 1.853
D. 1.766
Submitted by: Maneesh kumar
which country is called ”land of Mountains”?
A. France
B. Nepal 
C. Japan
D. Norway
Submitted by: G.Mustafa
Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun” ?
A. Japan
B. Korea
C. Canada
D. Russia
Submitted by: Abdul Rauf
which river flows behind the Taj Mahal?
A. Yamuna river
B. Narmada river
C. Indus river
D. Beas river
Submitted by: Saira
Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian?
A. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
B. Shah Wali Ullah
C. Hazrat Majdad Alif Sani
D. None of these
Submitted by: Bushra Zenab
In which country is the volcano Mount Aso?
A. China
B. Taiwan
C. Japan
D. None of these
Submitted by: Hamid Khan
Veto power is not possessed by?
A. U.K
B. U.S.A
C. Russia
D. West Germany

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