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Thursday, 5 October 2017

Top General Knowledge MCQs of World for PPSC FPSC

Largest man-made reservoir is Angara River Russia.
• Largest river basin is Amazon River.
• Longest river dam is Hirakud Dam India.
• Largest river in volume is Amazon (Brazil).
• Longest river is Nile (Egypt).
• Largest sea bird is Albatross.
• Largest space centre is Cape Kennedy (USA).
• Largest stadium is Straho Stadium Prague.
• Tallest statue is Statue of Liberty (NY).
• Largest suspension bridge is Verazano-Narrows, NY.
• Longest swimming course is English Channel, UK.
• Broadest strait is Mozambique.
• Longest strait is Malacca.
• Biggest Telescope is Astro Physical Observatory.
• Largest temple is Angkor Vat (Cambodia).
• Longest non-stop train is Flying Scotman.
• Highest town is Wenchuan, Tibet (China).
• Tallest tower is CNN Tower, Toronto, USA.
• Longest road tunnel is Seikan (Japan).
• Highest volcano is Cotapaxi (Ecuador).
• Largest volcano is Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
• Philippines has the greatest number of volcanoes in the world.
• Longest wall is Great Wall of China 1550 miles long.
• Highest waterfall is Angel (Venezuela)
• Lowest body of water is Dead Sea.
• Biggest zoo is Etosha National Park, Namibia.
• In 2650 the first Pyramid was built in Egypt.
• In 776 First Olympic Games were played in Greece.
• Alexander invaded India in battle of Hydaspes.
• Emperor Theodosius banned the Olympic Games.
• Sun and Moon pyramids are in Mexico.
• Rock temple was built at Jerusalem.
• The largest tea producing country is India.
• USA has the largest production of aluminum.
• Rainfall related to mountains is Orographic rainfall.
• Lakes give the source of terrestrial moisture.
• Bangladesh has a dispute over the construction of a dam on Naaf River with Myanmar.
• A large coral reef containing islands encompassing a sea water lagoon is named Atoll.
• The largest basins in the face of the earth are oceans. Basin is a low land area.
• Sri Lanka is not a landlocked country.
• The thinnest earth layer is Crust.
• The name of the second highest African peak is Mount Kenya.
• Name of the second largest river of Africa is The Congo.
• Sundarbans Forests are world’s largest mangrove forests.
• Khunjra Pass connects Pakistan with China.
• Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called spring.
• Canada leads in the world in production of asbestos.
• Bachendri Pal is the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest.
• Borge Ousland is a Norwegian explorer. He became the first person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone and unsupported.
• Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.
• Chile is the largest copper producing country in the world.
• The country where death rate is lowest in the world is Japan.
• Largest Ginger producing nation is Indonesia.
• Lithuania was the first Soviet Republic of the former Soviet Union which declared itself independent.
• Madagaskar is the largest island in the Indian Ocean.
• Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first expedition in 15190 to sail round the world and discovered passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic. He proved that the shape of the earth is round.
• India leads in export of Mica in the world.
• Longest Optical Fiber is between Singapore and Marseilles.
• Dr. Ian Wilmut is credited with first cloned sheep.
• New Zealand was the first country to propose Carbon Tax to address global warming.
• Suez Canal is the largest ship canal in the world. It joins Red Sea with Mediterranean Sea. The plan of the Suez Canal was conceived by Ferdinand de Lesseps.
• Largest sugar producing country is India second is Brazil.
• Cuba is the highest producer of sugarcane in the world.
• In November 2005, Africa’s first woman head of state was elected in Mozambique. Her name is Luisa Diogo of FELIMO party.
• Amazon is the largest river of the world.
• The North Atlantic Route is the largest and busiest of the ocean trade routes.
• Most Subways in the country.. USA
• What city has the longest metro system: London
• USA has most roads what country has second most: India
• China started Civil Service Examination first of all in 6 A.D.
• Which of the following is the largest sugar producing country in the world? Brazil
• World’s oldest religion is Hinduism.
• World’s largest religion is Christianity.
• World’s second most populous city is Mexico city.
• First to sail around the world was Ferdinand Magallan
• Largest number of Palestinian refuges are in Jordan.
• Kazakistan is the largest country in Central Asia.
• Largest landlocked country in world is Mongolia.
• Biggest oil refinery is at Abadan (Iran).
• Detroit (USA) is famous for car manufacturing.
• Glasgow is biggest ship building centre.
• Havana is famous for cigar manufacturing.
• Europe’s only Islamic state is Albania.
• New Zealand is close to Int: Date Line.
• In which city there is the largest stock exchange of the world? New York.
• Oldest Search Engine is … Yahoo
• Bird largest in size… Ostrich
• Oldest parliament in the world— Althing (Iceland)
• The last King of Afghanistan… Zahir Shah
• First person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone was Borge Ousland.
• Aqua line is the world’s longest under-sea tunnel (15.1 km long) bridge and tunnel express-way for motor vehicles across Tokyo Bay.
• Arabia is the larges peninsula.
• Only Hindu kingdom in World is Nepal.
• Who was the first man to fly across the channel: Louis Bleriot
• What is the largest state in the USA: Alaska
• Which of the following countries of South-West Asia leads in the production of oil? Saudi Arabia
• Which country grows the most potatoes: Russia
• What language has the most words: English
• What is the smallest state of Australia-Tasmania
• Paris and What other capital had the worlds first telephone link-Brussels
• What is the largest country in Africa -Sudan
• What was the worlds first passenger jet aircraft-Comet
• In what city was the worlds first blood bank opened 1940-New York – Richard Charles Drew
• What county first used pepper-China
• What is the oldest known science- Astronomy
• What is the last element – Alphabetically-Zirconium
• What is the worlds most popular first name-Mohammed
• What is the fastest swimming ocean fish over 60 mph-Sailfish – Marlin
• People’s republic of china has the largest army of the world.
• The largest tides of the world occur in Bay of fundy (Canada).
• Sudan is the largest country in Africa.
• Mumbai is the most populous city.
• Khan Mehtarzai is the highest railway station in Asia.
• Maximum quantities of diamonds are found in Africa.
• The highest rainfall for one month was recorded at Indian town of Cherapoonje. 366,14 inches rain fell there during the month of July 1861.
• Light is the fastest thing in the universe. It travels at a phenomenal speed of 187,000 miles per second.
• The largest tides of the world occur in Bay of Fundy (Canada).
• Takla Makan is in China is the driest desert in Asia.
• Largest earthquake fatalities occurred in Izmir, Turkey in 1999.
• Breitling orbiter 3 was the first balloon to fly non-stop around the world.
• King of Malaysia is the only king in the world who is elected for 5 years term.
• Largest oil company belong to USA is The Ecxon Corporation.
• The busiest shopping centre of London is Oxford Street
• The panch Pokhri Lake situated in the Himalaya Mountains is the highest lake in the world.
• Sierra Leone has the lowest GDP per capita of 510 US dollars and Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita of 36,400 US dollars.
• People’s republic of china has the largest army of the world.
• The Royal Majesty ship Queen Elizabeth (UK) is the largest passenger ship in the world. It is 314 meters long and 36 meters wide.
• The Cambodian language is a language which has a total number of 74 alphabets.
• The Sumerian civilization is considered to be the oldest civilization of the world.
• Jericho, situated in the Jordan valley is the oldest town of the world.
• The maximum ever temperature of 136.4 F was recorded on September 13,1922 in the city Azizia (Libya) and The minimum temperature of -129.6 F was recorded in the town of Vostok near Antarctica on 24th august , 1960.
• Worldwide most capitol cities begin with which letter- B
• Who built the worlds first film studio- Thomas Alva Edison
• Where is the worlds largest mine-Carleton Ville South Africa
• What is the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia-Victoria falls
• What country consumes the most coffee per capita 25 Lb-Finland
• Oil is the most traded product in the world what is the second-Coffee
• Which country makes the most films per year- India
• What’s the worlds longest rail journey made no train change Moscow Peking
• What was the first sport to be filmed -Boxing by Thomas Edison 1894
• Name the first film to have its sequel released in the same year-King Kong – Son of Kong
• What cities underground has the most stations-New York
• first man to set foot on all five continents- Captain Cook
• Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash-Orville Wright
• Where was the worlds first oil well drilled-Pennsylvania
• What country drink the most milk per capita-Iceland
• What country consumes the most fish per capita-Japan
• What was the first country to recognize the US as independent-Morocco
• On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted- Pin Heads
• Who was the first person to wear a wristwatch- Queen Elizabeth 1
Top General Knowledge MCQsTop General Knowledge MCQs of World for PPSC FPSC
Largest man-made reservoir is Angara River Russia.
• Largest river basin is Amazon River.
• Longest river dam is Hirakud Dam India.
• Largest river in volume is Amazon (Brazil).
• Longest river is Nile (Egypt).
• Largest sea bird is Albatross.
• Largest space centre is Cape Kennedy (USA).
• Largest stadium is Straho Stadium Prague.
• Tallest statue is Statue of Liberty (NY).
• Largest suspension bridge is Verazano-Narrows, NY.
• Longest swimming course is English Channel, UK.
• Broadest strait is Mozambique.
• Longest strait is Malacca.
• Biggest Telescope is Astro Physical Observatory.
• Largest temple is Angkor Vat (Cambodia).
• Longest non-stop train is Flying Scotman.
• Highest town is Wenchuan, Tibet (China).
• Tallest tower is CNN Tower, Toronto, USA.
• Longest road tunnel is Seikan (Japan).
• Highest volcano is Cotapaxi (Ecuador).
• Largest volcano is Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
• Philippines has the greatest number of volcanoes in the world.
• Longest wall is Great Wall of China 1550 miles long.
• Highest waterfall is Angel (Venezuela)
• Lowest body of water is Dead Sea.
• Biggest zoo is Etosha National Park, Namibia.
• In 2650 the first Pyramid was built in Egypt.
• In 776 First Olympic Games were played in Greece.
• Alexander invaded India in battle of Hydaspes.
• Emperor Theodosius banned the Olympic Games.
• Sun and Moon pyramids are in Mexico.
• Rock temple was built at Jerusalem.
• The largest tea producing country is India.
• USA has the largest production of aluminum.
• Rainfall related to mountains is Orographic rainfall.
• Lakes give the source of terrestrial moisture.
• Bangladesh has a dispute over the construction of a dam on Naaf River with Myanmar.
• A large coral reef containing islands encompassing a sea water lagoon is named Atoll.
• The largest basins in the face of the earth are oceans. Basin is a low land area.
• Sri Lanka is not a landlocked country.
• The thinnest earth layer is Crust.
• The name of the second highest African peak is Mount Kenya.
• Name of the second largest river of Africa is The Congo.
• Sundarbans Forests are world’s largest mangrove forests.
• Khunjra Pass connects Pakistan with China.
• Water source beneath the earth flowing naturally is called spring.
• Canada leads in the world in production of asbestos.
• Bachendri Pal is the first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest.
• Borge Ousland is a Norwegian explorer. He became the first person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone and unsupported.
• Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.
• Chile is the largest copper producing country in the world.
• The country where death rate is lowest in the world is Japan.
• Largest Ginger producing nation is Indonesia.
• Lithuania was the first Soviet Republic of the former Soviet Union which declared itself independent.
• Madagaskar is the largest island in the Indian Ocean.
• Ferdinand Magellan commanded the first expedition in 15190 to sail round the world and discovered passage to the Pacific from the Atlantic. He proved that the shape of the earth is round.
• India leads in export of Mica in the world.
• Longest Optical Fiber is between Singapore and Marseilles.
• Dr. Ian Wilmut is credited with first cloned sheep.
• New Zealand was the first country to propose Carbon Tax to address global warming.
• Suez Canal is the largest ship canal in the world. It joins Red Sea with Mediterranean Sea. The plan of the Suez Canal was conceived by Ferdinand de Lesseps.
• Largest sugar producing country is India second is Brazil.
• Cuba is the highest producer of sugarcane in the world.
• In November 2005, Africa’s first woman head of state was elected in Mozambique. Her name is Luisa Diogo of FELIMO party.
• Amazon is the largest river of the world.
• The North Atlantic Route is the largest and busiest of the ocean trade routes.
• Most Subways in the country.. USA
• What city has the longest metro system: London
• USA has most roads what country has second most: India
• China started Civil Service Examination first of all in 6 A.D.
• Which of the following is the largest sugar producing country in the world? Brazil
• World’s oldest religion is Hinduism.
• World’s largest religion is Christianity.
• World’s second most populous city is Mexico city.
• First to sail around the world was Ferdinand Magallan
• Largest number of Palestinian refuges are in Jordan.
• Kazakistan is the largest country in Central Asia.
• Largest landlocked country in world is Mongolia.
• Biggest oil refinery is at Abadan (Iran).
• Detroit (USA) is famous for car manufacturing.
• Glasgow is biggest ship building centre.
• Havana is famous for cigar manufacturing.
• Europe’s only Islamic state is Albania.
• New Zealand is close to Int: Date Line.
• In which city there is the largest stock exchange of the world? New York.
• Oldest Search Engine is … Yahoo
• Bird largest in size… Ostrich
• Oldest parliament in the world— Althing (Iceland)
• The last King of Afghanistan… Zahir Shah
• First person to walk across the Antarctic continent alone was Borge Ousland.
• Aqua line is the world’s longest under-sea tunnel (15.1 km long) bridge and tunnel express-way for motor vehicles across Tokyo Bay.
• Arabia is the larges peninsula.
• Only Hindu kingdom in World is Nepal.
• Who was the first man to fly across the channel: Louis Bleriot
• What is the largest state in the USA: Alaska
• Which of the following countries of South-West Asia leads in the production of oil? Saudi Arabia
• Which country grows the most potatoes: Russia
• What language has the most words: English
• What is the smallest state of Australia-Tasmania
• Paris and What other capital had the worlds first telephone link-Brussels
• What is the largest country in Africa -Sudan
• What was the worlds first passenger jet aircraft-Comet
• In what city was the worlds first blood bank opened 1940-New York – Richard Charles Drew
• What county first used pepper-China
• What is the oldest known science- Astronomy
• What is the last element – Alphabetically-Zirconium
• What is the worlds most popular first name-Mohammed
• What is the fastest swimming ocean fish over 60 mph-Sailfish – Marlin
• People’s republic of china has the largest army of the world.
• The largest tides of the world occur in Bay of fundy (Canada).
• Sudan is the largest country in Africa.
• Mumbai is the most populous city.
• Khan Mehtarzai is the highest railway station in Asia.
• Maximum quantities of diamonds are found in Africa.
• The highest rainfall for one month was recorded at Indian town of Cherapoonje. 366,14 inches rain fell there during the month of July 1861.
• Light is the fastest thing in the universe. It travels at a phenomenal speed of 187,000 miles per second.
• The largest tides of the world occur in Bay of Fundy (Canada).
• Takla Makan is in China is the driest desert in Asia.
• Largest earthquake fatalities occurred in Izmir, Turkey in 1999.
• Breitling orbiter 3 was the first balloon to fly non-stop around the world.
• King of Malaysia is the only king in the world who is elected for 5 years term.
• Largest oil company belong to USA is The Ecxon Corporation.
• The busiest shopping centre of London is Oxford Street
• The panch Pokhri Lake situated in the Himalaya Mountains is the highest lake in the world.
• Sierra Leone has the lowest GDP per capita of 510 US dollars and Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita of 36,400 US dollars.
• People’s republic of china has the largest army of the world.
• The Royal Majesty ship Queen Elizabeth (UK) is the largest passenger ship in the world. It is 314 meters long and 36 meters wide.
• The Cambodian language is a language which has a total number of 74 alphabets.
• The Sumerian civilization is considered to be the oldest civilization of the world.
• Jericho, situated in the Jordan valley is the oldest town of the world.
• The maximum ever temperature of 136.4 F was recorded on September 13,1922 in the city Azizia (Libya) and The minimum temperature of -129.6 F was recorded in the town of Vostok near Antarctica on 24th august , 1960.
• Worldwide most capitol cities begin with which letter- B
• Who built the worlds first film studio- Thomas Alva Edison
• Where is the worlds largest mine-Carleton Ville South Africa
• What is the biggest tourist attraction in Zambia-Victoria falls
• What country consumes the most coffee per capita 25 Lb-Finland
• Oil is the most traded product in the world what is the second-Coffee
• Which country makes the most films per year- India
• What’s the worlds longest rail journey made no train change Moscow Peking
• What was the first sport to be filmed -Boxing by Thomas Edison 1894
• Name the first film to have its sequel released in the same year-King Kong – Son of Kong
• What cities underground has the most stations-New York
• first man to set foot on all five continents- Captain Cook
• Who was the pilot in the first fatal air crash-Orville Wright
• Where was the worlds first oil well drilled-Pennsylvania
• What country drink the most milk per capita-Iceland
• What country consumes the most fish per capita-Japan
• What was the first country to recognize the US as independent-Morocco
• On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted- Pin Heads
• Who was the first person to wear a wristwatch- Queen Elizabeth 1


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