The normal pulse beat of a human body is between 72—80.
An instrument designed for testing the purity of milk is called Lactometer.
“Autopsy” is the Post-Mortem examination of a body.
“Lexicography” is the branch of science which deals with the process of writing dictionaries.
Speed of Sound in Air 331 m/s.
Red Colour has largest and Blue colour has shortest Wavelength.
“Pomology” is the study and cultivation of fruit.
Logarithm tables were invented by John Napier
Fish is the Best source of protein.
Most commonly used bleaching agent is chlorine
The chief constituent of gobar gas is methane.
The frequency of which of the following is the highest? Radio waves
“Charles Drew” was the first pioneered the idea of a blood bank.
Kidneys organ of the body purifies the blood.
Skin is highly affected by the nuclear radiation first.
Radio waves travel with almost the velocity of Light.
Diamond is the hardest mineral.
Life history of human malaria parasite in Anopheles was first described by Ronald Ross
The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of January.
Green vegetables are a good source of Minerals and Vitamins.
One metric ton is equal to 1000 kg, or 2204 pounds.
One square foot is equal to144 sq inches and 1 meter is equal to 3.28 foot.One nautical mile is equal to 6080.
“Monometer” is an instrument for measuring Gaseous Pressure.
Atmospheric pressure at sea level is 760 mm
The acceleration caused by gravity per second is 32 feet.
1 Inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.
Silicon is called the “Earth maker”.
When a disease occurs over a large area of earth’s surface at one time, it is called Epidemic disease.
The area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Trpic of Capricorn, where the sun is vertically overhead at some point of the year is called The Torrid zone.
Deficiency of Vitamin C causes Scurvy.
What does Angstrom measure? Speed of ships
The scientist who first discovered that the earth revolves round the sun was Copernicus.
“Digital Computer” was invented by Howard Alken.
Wood is the least conducter of electricity.
“Cryptography” deals with the study of secret writing.
What is laughing gas? Nitrous Oxide
The element common to all acids is Hydrogen.
Diamond is an allotropic form of Carbon.
Earth revolves around the sun from? West to east
Philately is the science of stamp collection.
Hydrometer is used for specific gravity of liquid.
Which vitamin easily prepared in body? vitamin D
Which gas is commonly used in balloons? Helium
The most abundant element in earth curst is Oxygen (O) 46.6% and silican is the second abudent element of earth and silican is called earth maker.
One horse power is equal to 746 watt.
Which colour phosphorus used in matches? Red
Oldest known element? Copper
Which shape of carbon is used in lead pencils? Graphite
Artificial silk is called rayon.
Basic component of paper is wood.
The bar is a unit of pressure equal to 100 kilopascals and roughly equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level.
Light year is the unit of distance.It is the distance that light can travel in one year. A light year is equal to 9.46 trillion kilometers.
Largest organ of the body is Skin and largest gland is Liver.
Kidney disease due to overdose of vitamin c.
CPU is an abbreviation of Central Processing Unit.
Cusec is unit of water flow.
ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine.
Mirage is an example of refraction of Light.
Sound travels fastest in Glass.
The gravitational force on the body is called as Weight.
Most astronomers believe that origin of the Universe is Big Bang Theory.
Hepatitis and jaundice are the diseases of Liver.
Neon gas is used in decoration lighting.
Creature having both male and female organs is known as Hermaphrodite.
A low area storm with high winds rotating about a center of low atmospheric pressure is called Cyclone.
The first Muslim scientist who presented the law of reflection and refraction isIbn-ul-Haitham.
The difference in the duration of day and night increases as one move from Equator to poles.
Solar system was discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
Richest source of Vitamin D is cod liver oil.
1sq cm is equal to how many square mm? 100
1 milligram gold is equal to how many milligrams? 1000
We are saved from ultraviolet rays of sun through? Ozone Layer
Vitamin K helps in blood clotting.
Iron metabolism in the human body is helpful for Haemoglobin and blood is red due to hemoglobin.
In how many groups the living organisms that have back bone, are divided? 5 groups
Vitamins C not stored in human body and lack of vitamin c create skin disease.
Art and science of growing flowers, fruit and vegetables is called Horticulture.
What did Sir Isaac Pitman invent? A form of shorthand
“Dactyliography” is the study of finger prints.
“Etymology” is the study of origin and history of words.
“Plague” is a disease, which spreads by rat.
“Choreography” is the art of designing sequences of movements in which motion, form, or both are specified.
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