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Saturday, 14 October 2017

Pakistan General Knowledge 5

         1.Where is kalabagh dam?on the Indus River at Kalabagh in Mianwali District
         2.What was profession of fatimah Jinnah?dentist
         3.when did Quaid e Azam joined Muslim Leaguel.?1913
         4.Who is the president of India? Pertiba patil
         5.IMF stands for? International monetary fund
         6.GDP stands for? Gross Domestic Product
         6.Where is head quarter of World Bank? Washington, DC
         7.Where is Mohammad ali Gohar buried in? born in england and burried in Jerusalem (Bait-
         ul-Maqdus
         8.Which country is in the north of Pakistan?...china
         9.Pakistan  major export is? cotton
         10.Which is location of pakistan in asia regiön? south
         11.Which is current Hijri year? cuurent 1433 AH
         12.Safar taif mn hazur pak k sath kon sy shabi thy? zaid bin haras
         13.Quran pak mn kis sahabi ka zikar h? zaid bin haras
         14.Najashi k samnay kis sahabi ny taqreer ki? jafar tayyar
         15.Where is wambildon tanis ground? england
         16.How many seats in senate of pak? 104
         17.Sad berg k writer ka name? sad barg, khusbo, parween shakar
         18.Qurtaba ka qazi k writer ka name? imtiaz ali taj
         19.Bait ul muqadas kis k dor mn fateh howa? hazrat umar
         20.Gawadar kis province mein hai? Balochistan
         21.Namaz e Juma kab farz hua? 1hijri
         22.What is the Length of costal high way?771km
         23.What is meaning of commence? begin
         24.What is Renewable Source of energy?
         25.Peyam-e-Mashriq written by? Allama iqbal
         26.Dobtay ko Tenkay ka sahara Mohawra or zarbul missal? Zirbul misal
         27.Shikwa poem of Iqbal is contained in which book? Bang e dara
         28.Comrade news paper issued by?Muhammad ali johar
         29.Most conductor of electircity iron/silvr/coper?coper
         30.Vitaman which is  taking from Sun light?D
         31.Largest islamic country by Populatin is?Indonesia
         32.No of Haroof-e-Muqatiyat are?29
         33.Duration of Khalfat-e-rashida?30 years
         34.How much Light speed is greater than sound speed?greater
         35.inflation means?
         36.Which is the famous city in the world?shanghai
         37.Indus water treaty held in?1960
         38. 18 is 75% of what ?
         39. 20 boys and 28 girls find the percentage of girls ?
         40. What percentage of 12 of 3 ?
         41. What is word meaning of  industrious?
         42.It is 5 o clock ........my watch?  by.
         43.He is blind ............. one eye?of
         44.He is agreed ...... .. my proposal? to
         45.10 3/7 is equal to ?
         46) Kisi Ki Khas Wasaf Ki bina per usy kia Kehty Hain ?kuniat
         47.Where is 10 Downing Street ? England PM David Cameron's home
         48.All-India Muslim League founded at? DHAKA in 1906
         49.Constipation (Kabaz), caused by? fiber deficiency.
         50) Pitras Bukhari Ki Waja e Shorat?Mizah Nigari

         51.Where is located Gomal university ?DI khan
         52.Who was  last viceroy of Hindustan?lord mount baten
         53.Rasool Allah ki wafat kn se hijri ma hui?11hijri
         54.Hazrat ibrahim a.s ka laqab?
         55. .26divide 100=
         103) Meaning Of "Tazbazab"
         57.Fiscal year of pak : July 1 – June 30
         58.Jews  kis jaga zeyada rahty thy?taif


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