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Friday, 13 October 2017

General Knowledge

What is the capital of Zaire - Kinshasa
What is the currency of Jordan - Jordanian dinar
The Headquarters of the UNESCO is at - Paris, France
Largest muscle in the human body - Gluteus Maximus
Heaviest internal organ in the human body - Liver
What is the scientific name of Bengal Tiger - Panthera tigris tigris
Which is the longest river on the earth - Nile
Glenn Maxwell associated with which sport - Cricket
The European renaissance started from which country - Italy
The Battle of Waterloo was fought in the year - 1815
Who is the inventor of Gravity - Isaac Newton
The highest mountain on earth is - Everest
What is the 7th element on the periodic table of elements - Nitrogen
What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen - O
Saurology is the study of - Lizards


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