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Wednesday, 27 September 2017

World Affairs Quiz MCQs Test 9

61. The River Thames is located in
(A) England
(B) Scotland
(C) Ireland
(D) Finland

62. In Rio Olympics 2016, the gold medal, in Men’s Field Hockey was won by
(A) Germany
(B) Holland
(C) Australia
(D) Argentina

63. The Most populous city in the world is
(A) Beijing
(B) Buenos Aires
(C) Shanghai
(D) Tokyo

64. US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan is
(A) Seth Jones
(B) John Kerry
(C) Richard Holbrooke
(D) Dan Feldman

65. The capital of Ukraine is
(A) Kazan
(B) Aden
(C) Crimea
(D) Kiev

66. The head of state of the United Kingdom is
(A) Queen Elizabeth I
(B) Queen Elizabeth II
(C) Queen Elizabeth III
(D) Queen Elizabeth IV

67. Which country is the largest producer of cotton in the world?
(A) Australia
(B) China
(C) Russia
(D) India

68. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was
(A) Anwar Sadat
(B) Dr. Abdul Salam
(C) Dr. Muhammad Younus
(D) Yasir Arafat

69. Qantas is an airline of
(A) Australia
(B) Sudan
(C) Malaysia
(D) France

70. AFP is the news agency of
(A) Switzerland
(B) France
(C) Germany
(D) Sweden

61. A
62. D
63. C
64. D
65. D
66. B
67. B
68. A
69. A

70. B

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