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Friday, 29 September 2017


1- On 11 February 2016 The LIGO Scientific Collaboration announced the detection of _____
A- electromagnetic waves
B- seismic waves
C- gravitational waves
D- radio waves

2- The SI unit of charge is __________.
A- Ampere
B- Coulomb
C- Ohm
D- Volt

3- Very High Frequency (VHF) have __________ wavelengths.

A- shorter
B- shortest
C- longer
D- longest

4- Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens.

A- concave
B- convex
C- diverging
D- none of these

5- Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in __________.
A- night blindness
B- rickets
C- scurvy
D- hair fall

6- For a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________.
A- also decrease
B- increase
C- remains constant
D- none of these

7- The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days.
A- 60
B- 120
C- 180
D- 240

8- The density of water is __________.
A- 1 g/cm3
B- 1.5 g/cm3
C- 2 g/cm3
D- none of these

9- Radioactivity was discovered by __________.
A- Kelvin
B- Thomson
C- Rutherford
D- Becquerel

10- A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________.
A- motor
B- generator
C- moving-coil meter
D- battery


1- C
2- B
3- A
4- B
5- A
6- B
7- B
8- A
9- D

11- The Sun is a __________.
A- Star
B- Planet
C- Asteroid
D- Meteor

12- The average adult has a blood volume of about __________ litres.
A- 4
B- 5
C- 6
D- 7

13- The most abundant element in the universe is __________.
A- Oxygen
B- Hydrogen
C- Carbon Dioxide
D- Silicon

14- The most abundant element in the Earth's crust is __________.
A- Oxygen
B- Hydrogen
C- Carbon Dioxide
D- Silicon

15- Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.
A- 5,000 to 10,000
B- 10,000 to 15,000
C- 15,000 to 20,000
D- 20,000 to 25,000

16- Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in __________.
A- night blindness
B- rickets
C- scurvy
D- hair fall

17- The SI unit of "pressure" is _________.
A- pascal
B- joule
C- tesla
D- henry

18- The most densest substance on the Earth is __________.
A- Platinum
B- Copper
C- Steel
D- Osmium

19- A camera uses a __________ to form an image.
A- convex lens
B- concave lens
C- condenser lens
D- none of these

20- Which of the following is NOT a conductor?
A- Aluminium
B- Silicon
C- Graphite
D- All are conductors


11- A
12- B
13- B
14- A
15- C
16- B
17- A
18- D
19- A
20- D

21- CNG stands for?
A- Converted Natural Gas
B- Conduced Natural Gas
C- Conducted Natural Gas
D- Compressed Natural Gas

22= Which of the following is true for "Sound"?
A- Sound cannot travel through a vacuum
B- Sound cannot travel through gases
C- Sound cannot travel through liquids
D- Sound cannot travel through solids

23- When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colours.
A- 5
B- 6
C- 7
D- 8

24- 1 nanometer = ?
A- 10-3 meter
B- 10-6 meter
C- 10-9 meter
D- 10-12 meter

25- Instrument used for measuring very high temperature is __________.
A- Pyroscope
B- Pyrometer
C- Seismograph
D- Xylometer

26- Sound waves are _________ waves.
A- Transverse
B- Electromagnetic
C- Longitudinal
D- none of these

27- The lifespan of White Blood Cells is __________ day(s).
A- 1
B- 2
C- 3
D- 4

28- The fluid part of blood is known as __________.
A- plasma
B- platelets
C- blood cells

29- X-rays were discovered by __________.
A- Rontgen
B- Thomas
C- Rutherford
D- Becquerel

30- The speed of light is __________.
A- 280,000 km/s
B- 300,000 km/s
C- 320,000 km/s
D- none of these


21- D
22- A
23- B
24- C
25- B
26- C
27- A
28- A
29- A
30- B

31- During winter in cold countries, the __________ is mixed to melt the ice on the icy A- roads.
B- Salt
C- Chlorine
D- Carbon dioxide
E- Water

32- In a very low temperature which from the following will freeze at last?
A- River water
B- Canal water
C- Sea water
D- Water in a lake

33- The nearest planet to the Earth is _________.
A- Venus
B- Mercury
C- Mars
D- Moon

34- The planet that moves around the Sun at the highest speed is?
A- Jupiter
B- Venus
C- Mars
D- Mercury

35- In general, Comets have __________ orbits.
A- Elliptical
B- Highly elliptical
C- Circular
D- Parabolic

36- GPS is an abbreviation for?
A- Global Poles System
B- Global PolySiliconium Store
C- Global Positioning System
D- Global Position Structure

37- Oxidation is a chemical reaction involving the __________.
A- Gain of Electrons
B- Loss of Electrons
C- Gain of Protons
D- Loss of Protons

38- At night, Plants intake __________ and release __________.
A- Oxygen – Carbon dioxide
B- Carbon dioxide – Oxygen
C- Oxygen – Carbon monoxide
D- Carbon monoxide – Oxygen

39- Urine is produced in __________.
A- Kidneys
B- Lungs
C- Large intestine
D- Liver

40- Blood is cleaned by __________.
A- Lungs
B- Liver
C- Heart
D- Kidneys


31- A
32- C
33- A
34- D
35- B
36- C
37- B
38- A
39- A
40- D

41- The position of an element in the Periodic Table is determined by its __________ number.
A- Electron
B- Proton
C- Neutron
D- Positron

42- The salinity of seawater is determined by the amount of common salt (Sodium Chloride) in __________ of sea water.
A- 1 gram
B- 10 grams
C- 1 kg
D- 10 kg

43- The planet which is easily visible from the Earth is?
A- Mercury
B- Venus
C- Mars
D- Jupiter

44- The Great Spot is on the planet __________.
A- Saturn
B- Venus
C- Mars
D- Jupiter

45- The Great Spot is a __________.
A- Mountain
B- Desert
C- Frozen Carbon dioxide
D- Storm

46- The bodyguard of the Earth is __________ that save the Earth from many Comets and Asteroids.
A- Mars
B- Saturn
C- Uranus
D- Jupiter

47- 1 light year = ?
A- 9.5x106 km
B- 9.5x109 km
C- 9.5x1012 km
D- 9.5x1018 km

48- The planets visible to us without using a telescope are __________.
A- 3
B- 4
C- 5
D- 6

49- According to Big Bang Theory, the Universe began about __________ billion years ago.
A- 10 – 20
B- 20 – 30
C- 30 – 40
D- 40 – 50

50- Biosensor is used to measure?
A- Blood glucose level
B- The body pH value
C- Amount of haemoglobin
D- Salinity in Urine


41- B
42- C
43- B
44- D
45- D
46- D
47- C
48- C
49- A
50- A

51- Einstein’s famous equation which states that mass and energy are interchangeable is?
A- E = mc2
B- E = cm2
C- M = ec2
D- M = ce2

52- The SI unit of electric current is?
A- Columb
B- Ampere
C- Volt
D- Watt

53- The principal constituent of the atmosphere of the Earth is?
A- Oxygen
B- Carbon
C- Hydrogen
D- Nitrogen

54- What is Dry Ice?
A- Solid Oxygen
B- Solid Carbon Dioxide
C- Solid Hydrogen
D- Solid Nitrogen

55- What are the primary colours?
A- White, Black, Blue
B- Red, Yellow, Blue
C- Red, Orange, Blue
D- Red, Green, Blue

56- Digestion of food is completed in the __________.
A- small intestine
B- large intestine
C- stomach
D- Liver

57- Carrot is the good source of Vitamin?
A- A
B- B complex
C- C
D- D

58- For proper formation of teeth, __________ is essential.
A- iodine
B- copper
C- fluorine
D- iron

59- Deficiency of __________ causes loss of appetite and poor growth.
A- zinc
B- iodine
C- copper
D- iron

60- Meteorology is the study of?
A- seasons
B- atmosphere
C- air and sounds
D- winds and clouds


51- A
52- B
53- D
54- B
55- D
56- A
57- A
58- C
59- A

60- B

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