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Monday, 25 September 2017


PPSC SUBINSPECTOR TEST HELD ON 27/8/17        By Riaz Roshan Ch Adv
1. When Quaid Addressed first constitutional assembly of Pakistan first time ?
2. founder of microsoft?
3. Youm-e-Takbir is celebrated on ?
4. To cover wider area what is used?
5. In which country Russian Ambassador was killed ?
6. Obama was ---- President of America ?
7. Viceroy of India from 1943-1947 ?
9. Faraizi Movement was started at which place ?
10. To be, or not to be is the opening phrase of a soliloquy spoken by?
11. Which coating is applied on Iron ?
12. The Government of Pakistan has ratified ILO core Conventions related to?
13. Synonym of Devilish ?
14. Synonyms of infinitesimal?
15. What is isthmus?
16. Soan and Haro rivers are situated on which plateau ?
17. JPG format is used for which file ?
19. To bold text in microsoft office which command is used ?
20. What is hypothermia ?
21. Haali Wrote Hayat-e-Javed on ?
22. bicameral federal legislature in Pakistan was adopted in which constitution ?
24. When Quaid resigned from the Imperial Legislative Council?
26. Current President of India ?
27. Islamia College for Women Cooper Road Lahore was established in ?
28. Owner of Wikipedia ?
29. Which article of 1973 constitution declares Urdu as national language ?
30. Antonym of Pacific?
31. who sold hotmail to microsoft?
32. Schengen Agreement?
33. state secretary of USA "Rex W. Tillerson" was CEO of which company ?
34. How many muslim countries are in ASEAN ?
35. Antonym of Inert ?
36. When Fatima Jinnah joined All India Muslim league?
37. When first round table conference was held?
38. Right of Separate electrorate act ?
39. Synonym of Cheeky
40. If 10 people meet each other and each shakes hands only once with each of the others, how many handshakes will there be?
41. Which pass connect Gilgit with Chitral ?
42. Widespread disease in cattles now adays?
43. The disease which is pread over large area is called?
44. Syed Ahmad Shaheed Barelvi died at ?
45. Group of----is called School?
46. "And You see people are entering into religion in multitudes" this translated verse belong to which Surah ?
47. Who provides basic rights ? Supreme Court, High court, Both , Parliament
48. To whom Quaid-e-Azam called his "Right Hand and True lieutenant"
49. 2+2*2/2 = ?
50. Titanic survivors were mostly? Young men
51. How many deaths occured in Titanic ? 1500 mostly were women n children
52. Butterfly stroke is term used in ?
53. Trachoma disease is related to ?
54. What is "Meeqat" in Hajj ?
55. Magna Carta was signed in ?
56. Author of "A short history of saracens?
57. Speelings of superintendent
58. Philately is study of ?
59. Contraband meanings?
60. Shadow cabinent is called?
61. Ibn e batuta was from ?
62. When was balochistan declared as a province?
63. Cholestrol is absent in ? White part of Egg
64. What is barzakh
65. Silvio berlusconi was?
66. Curriculum Vitae is of which language?
67. Synonym of Obdurate?
68. 0.7/10= ?
69. Hammas was founded by ?
70. Who was Otto von bismarck?
71. Capital of bosnia herzogova?
72. Human rights organisation in new york?
73. Computer contains ? Hardware, Software, Both, None
74. What is Microsoft Excel ?
75. Process of removing unwanted text from Microsoft office is called ?
76. When Pakistan included in Nuclear States?
77. Fleet street london is famous for ?
78.Taxable animal ? Sheep
77. One person writes 10 pages in 5 minutes and other 5 in ten minutes.How many pages will they write in 30 minutes ?
78.If R is Husband of Q and S is mother of Q. Whats the relation between R and S?
79. Sine die means ?
80. A person turns left and walks 3m towards west, then turns right walk again 3m then again 3m walk towards east.What is his direction with respect to starting point?
81. Roger Federer is famous for ?
82. Saleem said" I don't eat mangoes" ? Ans: Saleem said that i didn't eat mangoes
83. Statue of Liberty of USA was gift by ?
84. Storting is the parliament of ?
85. Treatment of Kindney stones by shockwaves?
86. Adis ababa has headquarter of which union?

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