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Friday, 29 September 2017

Headmistress paper 2015

Headmistress paper on 29-11-2015
1.Effective teaching demand. ?Planning
2.Naturalist method.play way
3.status of mosque as school? 1979 policy
4.who give definition of education, education as a activity of recognizing God and understanding self.
5.teacher move around the class and students working. Monitoring
6Teaching and learning cannot occur without.communication
7.research plan is in which tense.past or future
8.True aim of education was attainment of happiness. Ghazali Aristotle
9.educational measurement deal with.quantitative and standardized tast
10.Elementry school from ?1 to 8
11.mini culture. School
12.the aim of education in pakistan at primary level and secondary level.attainment of student ability
13.first KG school by forebel in which year? 1863,1857,..
14.Who discovered deductive and inductive method? John lock
15.not characteristics of lord meculary commission. Revival of Eastern knowledge
16.meaning of teaching.change in student behaviour in desired direction
17.Aligarh impact.political or teaching English
18.belonging, effection,status called.derives
19.in which year National Planning Board of pakistan was set for first 5 year plan?1951
20.time span of micro teaching.5 to 10 min
21. Micro teaching is teacher training technique
22.Boss is right?authoritative administration
23. Integrated curriculum for classes. 1 to 3
24. When headmaster of school give academic guidance and assessment to his teachers. Manager,supervisor
25. Current literacy rate.58%
26. Observation to other and self regulations leading personal standards.Bandura
27. Communication is a??process
28. Basis of experimental research. Hypothesis
29. Details content of subjects. Course
30. Outlines of subjects. Syllabus
31. Causal leave are?25
32. We move from specific to general. Inductive method
33.traning is used to.formed or shaped habits
34. Ibnekhuldune never support. Lecture or questions answer method
35. Education should from birth to.old age
36.tast design to measures future performance. Aptitude test
37. To make content permanent in mind .Retention
38. Expenditure on education consider as an.investment
39.not curriculum expert.helda taba,L.R Gay
40. Discovery learning by.jhon dewey
41. Extra and spcific information is provided in which curriculum??
42. Idealism change occurs. Slowly, not occur
43. Research for class room.descriptive, applied,action
44. IQ level of averge child .90-110
45. Films and video tap are.display metrial
46. Teaching would fall in which class?profession
47. X theory.employees are lazy,hate work,aviod responsibility
48. Lowest level of penalties in education department. Lower the scale,censur
49. Purposes of nadvatul ulma?religious or religious and science knowlge
50. EDO.executive distract officer
51. Which is not treat with measurement. Virtue
52. Which one is not lesson plan.micro lesson plan
53.one mcq relating o drill method repeated performance
54. Text book board established in ?1959
55. Curriculum present instructions for material by.smith
56. Components of curriculum? 4
57. First Intelligence test by?binet
58. Self evaluation thoery by? Spancer
59. Huristic mean?to investigate
60. Most frequently used technique for evaluating guidance skill? Interview
61. Which charter act favoured english as supreme to teach knowledge and science subject??
62. Teacher training? Direction of staff
63. M.I.S? Management information system
64. To see people by doig?learning ny imitation
65. Lord Maculay?Bentinul resolution
66. Montessori method by? Dr. Maria
67. IQ by?stern
68. Students need interested in studies.psychological foundation
69. Maslow?Hiarchy theory
70. Budget mean? Income and expenditure
71. Cognitive development? Pieget theory
72. Higest level of cognative domain?evaluation
73. Evaluation related to? Value judgment
74. Punjab education code rule regulations?efficency and displine rule
75. Examine mean? Analysis
76. 1st coponent of lesson plan? Objective
77. Education develop ideology of? Society
78. Parent teacher association responsible for?improving school environment
79. Extra information? Activities
80. Freud was?psychologist
81. Education is not preplanned? Information
82. If criterion reference test is reliable than scores from test? Standardized

83. Teacher is good?if use modern technology

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