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Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Computer Science Mcqs Test No 2

11. IDE stands for?
(A) Integrated Dual Environment
(B) Inter Development Environment
(C) Integrated Development Environment
(D) Inter Dual Environment

12. A language that is closed to human language is called
(A) Low-Level language
(B) High-Level language
(C) Programming language
(D) Machine language

13. CBT stands for?
(A) Computer Based Training
(B) Computer Based Trading
(C) Computer Based Technology
(D) None Of These

14. A virus that replicates itself is called
(A) Bug
(B) Worm
(C) Bomb
(D) Hoax

15. The tool used to find a similar word in a document is called
(A) Finder
(B) Thesaurus
(C) Dictionary
(D) Find and Replace

16. Which of the following components of physical database design refer to the correctness and consistency of data?
(A) Indexes
(B) Integrity constraints
(C) File organization
(D) Data Distribution strategy

17. conio.h stands for?
(A) character input output
(B) console input output
(C) common input output
(D) complex input output

18. Duplication of data in multiple files is called
(A) Data Redundancy
(B) Data Dependence
(C) Data Inconsistency
(D) None Of These

19. A relation that contains minimal redundancy and allows easy use is called
(A) Clean
(B) Simple
(C) Complex
(D) Well-Structured

20. SQL stands for?
(A) Structured Query Language
(B) Sequential Query Language
(C) Simple Query Language
(D) None Of These

11. C
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. B
16. C
17. B
18. A
19. D

20. A

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